Strawberry Seduction

- Strawberry seduction tea – 3g
- Filtered water – 1 cup
- ½ cup of lemonade
- Tea pot with infuser
- Teacups
- Electric Kettle
- Sugar – 1 tablespoon
- Take filtered water than the amount needs for the tea cup and put into the electric kettle
- Boil the filtered water up to 100º and leave it for few seconds to come down the temperature (best to brew at 90º)
- Warm up the tea pot by pouring boiled water and remove the water
- Put Strawberry Seduction tea
- Allow to brew for 5 minutes
- Strain Strawberry Seduction tea into a glass
- Add Sugar and Lemonade
- Shake well and allow to cool for room temperature and keep in a refrigerator
- Serve freshly with added ice cubes

Bai Mu Dan white tea is blended with strawberries, a tasty base for this homage to the fabulous strawberry that can lift the spirit and please the palate.
Remember, Everybody Needs A Little TLC!